
UPSAT tunis
- Created in 2005 in Tunis, the political, administrative and economic capital of Tunisia,
- Located in the city center near the Medical Simulation Center, and major hospitals,
- Agreements with the largest University Hospitals and nearby clinics for trainings,
- Equipped laboratories by specialty,

- Employs education coordinators, leading experts in the University Hospital field and a qualified paramedical teaching staff,
- More than 1158 graduates since its creation,
- Awarded Diplomas :
- Bachelor’s degree*: Anesthesia-Resuscitation, Physiotherapy, Optics and Eyewear, Orthoptics, Nursing Sciences and Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy.
- Master’s degree: Ageing, Disability and Physical Activities.
UPSAT Tunis teaching Team
hospital and university professors
Assistants Hospitalo-universitaires
Professeurs de l’enseignement supérieur
et maitres de conférences
Assistants et Maitres assistants
Médecins et pharmaciens
Professionnels de la santé

UPSAT Sousse
Created in 2002 in the university city of Sousse, in premises located in the city center not far from the University Hospitals and clinics with which it is linked by agreements, UPSAT is a private higher education institution specializing in paramedical training. In 2002, it was the first to be recognized as
such by the two line ministries, namely the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Higher Education. Since then, several classes of graduates have entered the job market in Tunisia or abroad.
Our aim is to enable young graduates to settle quickly into active life and easily join the health care system.
UPSAT offers its students a modern infrastructure adapted to the requirements of quality teaching: spacious, air-conditioned and ventilated classrooms, specialized laboratories richly and adequately
equipped to meet the needs of practical activities and a library provided with reference books and specialized periodicals. It also offers them an Internet environment to conduct researches and do the assignments given by professors.
UPSAT Sousse teaching Team
Professeurs hospitalo-universitaires
Assistants Hospitalo-universitaires
Professeurs de l’enseignement supérieur
et maitres de conférences
Assistants et Maitres assistants
Médecins et pharmaciens
Professionnels de la santé

Created in 2007 in Sfax, capital of southern Tunisia, the Faculty of Health Sciences of Sfax is located near the two University Hospitals of the city, namely Hedi Chaker University Hospital and Habib Bourguiba University Hospital. The Faculty has entered into partnership agreements with:
- Some private clinics
- The Medical Simulation Center of Tunis
- Mahres Regional Hospital
- Sfax Sports Medical Center
- The Centre for Motor Disabilities of Sfax
- The Primary Healthcare Center of Sfax

UPSAT Sfax teaching Team
Professeurs hospitalo-universitaires
Assistants Hospitalo-universitaires
Professeurs de l’enseignement supérieur
et maitres de conférences
Assistants et Maitres assistants
Médecins et pharmaciens
Professionnels de la santé